As was the face of Jesus Christ?
White? Dark? In fact, nobody really knows what it was like the face of Jesus Christ. What is known to this day is that, were the painters who created the face of Jesus Christ. Have you ever imagined, and if you suddenly and deparasse with the images that portray Jesus Christ had another feature white, African descent, for example? Yes, because almost all the images that portray Jesus Christ are the white, blue or green eyes, long straight, curly or wavy hair. We realized the images that the Jesus we know is an “Artistic Creation of Renaissance painters.” The painter idealized as would be Jesus Christ, and painted it according to your imagination. Does that Jesus Christ was worshiped African descent would be the same? In fact, pucos are those who are really prepared to answer a question of this kind. Also, it is believed that tells fingers those who are prepared to come across or receive, if so, a Jesus Christ that was not the usual images. And in fact, we know because we are not prepared for the changes, if so … receive Jesus Christ of dark, curly hair, etc, so to speak! In my view, we are shaped to accept it … or what! In fact, we only know Jesus Christ through the images that are shown in the Prayers of temples, churches, works representing the child’s figure of God, movies, books, artistic works, such as “The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci” , etc.
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And so, the face of Jesus Christ multiplies M x …
Josefa Santos | | | | | |