


Does the ideal proportions of the man is in the hands or feet?

There is much to be said, not only of man’s ideas proportions! So, is not there? Generally, man is qualified by the appearance from head to toe. And to that look … volume meter? And the doubts …? Numerous … Look at your feet … small! Deducts … Poor guy! This does not take big steps! … Not even shoes to boots with 7 leagues! … Not even the measure step by step counting and stretched! … See it’s not different, I think the hands and short, thin fingers . With half open look vision … Think! This is wanting great things! … The genre! And so it goes on … the judge by the disproportionate appearance of perculiar vision. Of course! Each head his sentence … in that regard contained thoughts! It all … is to believe, there are those who dare to go against the whole system focused on the use of clothing, and not the “Labels”. See this! There are people buying branded clothes, but when I get home starts to “label” because, not like the name, feel to that brand name is a burden on the shoulder and legs. Only joined this part related brand because it is fashionable.

The foreign judgment, we can not change, according to our will … but we can almost reach it! … I realize that if the man was qualified, rather than judged … we would live in the better world, and conditions abitáveis more!

The thought makes us want … the reality that everyone would like to believe!

I think…

You think…

We thought … and a day will come true!

We believe … The man has the capacity to design beautiful things to behold! … Https://

Josefa Santos – Proportions man Ideals. Pena nozzle. | | | | | |

The Child In Us


The Child In Us

Prasanna vadanaaM saubhaagyadaaM bhaagyadaaM
HastaabhyaaM abhayapradaaM maNigaNair
Naanaavidhair-bhuushhitaaM Who is the smiling face, the granting of all destination
Whose hands are ready to rescue anyone from fear,
Who is adorned by various ornaments with precious stones
Puer natus est nobis,
Et Filius datus est nobis:
Testator emperium super humerum …
To us a child is born,
To us a son is given:
And the government will be on his shoulders …
One day you came
And I knew you were her
You were the rain, you were the sun
But I needed both, as needed you
You were the one
I’ve dreamed of all my life
When it’s dark you are my light
But do not forget
Who is always our guide
It is the child within us

Por Jô Santos

O Amor é construtivo nas realizações dos meus sonhos...

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